

February 2022

Is Technology Taking Our Jobs?

Something that’s often a topic of conversation and political debate is the question of whether technology is ‘taking our jobs’.

Modern-day advances in technology, engineering, and automation have certainly left many of us questioning future job security in some sectors.

With plenty of companies being quick to either take up new technologies or build their own, some traditional workforces are left feeling understandably uneasy. Workers with years of experience, loyalty, and industry know-how can quickly be made to feel redundant in the face of expected changes from increasing automated processes such as replacement of manual roles, cuts to work hours, streamlining of workforces, and reduction in costs.

The industrial revolution is perhaps the prime example of a huge progression and change in the way people worked and it ended up shaping the future. Whole industries were revolutionised on a massive scale, resulting in increases in efficiency and productivity that few had previously dreamed of. Mind-boggling machines and equipment were developed that could do the work of more people in less time and new opportunities, processes, and businesses sprang up as a result.

Understandably, we can often be fearful of change, fearful of a shift away from the status-quo, from what we’ve known. It can be so comforting to stick to our regular routines and processes, knowing that they’ve both worked day in day out for years and, ultimately, get the job done. ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ – or so they say! Yet this thinking can stall our companies’ progress, creating stagnancy, and be costly when we’re left behind in the market because we don’t have the ability to keep up with a client or consumer needs.

Forbes Magazine journalist David Vasko writes: 

“Technology is changing how we work. It eliminates tasks and creates remarkable tools that provide what would have been considered superpowers not long ago. The challenge, however, becomes understanding which opportunities will provide the greatest benefit. The solution is to understand the impact of disruptive technologies, so that you can better understand how they will impact you, your company and your customers.”

The integration of technology, software, and certain automated processes into existing work processes needn’t be intimidating. They can be seamlessly introduced to daily ways of working without leaving our staff feeling like their roles are under threat.

Advances in technology and software can often act as a welcome support for overworked employees by making existing processes more efficient and so easing the burden of heavy workloads. Why let a team struggle spending hours completing a task that can now be done easier and faster thanks to technological developments?

Repetitive and time consuming tasks have the potential to not only drain staff energy, but also erode concentration and focus. For example, the integration of efficient software into existing processes for completing complex and/or sensitive financial tasks such as preparing accounts and invoices can save time and reduce errors.

A shift away from manual processes, physical files, and paperwork is supported by emerging software that allows many companies to work more efficiently and cost-effectively. Hours spent trawling through physical administration records, manually searching for documents and organising and managing loose papers whilst trying to keep everything safe doesn’t have to be the norm anymore!

New technological processes and ideas are constantly being created to make things easier and more efficient. Most companies now use some form of software or automated processes, wondering how they ever managed beforehand! Useful technology doesn’t distract from the work at hand, it improves it. It can improve the speed and efficiency of your processes, your bottom line, your staff’s job satisfaction, and your business’s ability to grow, adapt and meet the demands of your industry.

Useful software can create additional time – an invaluable asset that can be used to increase productivity and diversify your working week. If you can streamline your processes effectively by automating the majority of the usual workload, any spare time created can be focussed on business development, client retention, marketing, networking, growth and progression. Or simply give you and your staff an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labour and take a break!

20X is the perfect example of such a technology; It can be used to revolutionise and streamline a vast amount of traditionally manual work in the healthcare staffing sector. 

20X is cloud-based, progressive and customisable staff management software that works like an app and delivers in cutting down time-consuming processes that are all too familiar in this industry. From quick and easy data migration from your current software system (if you use one), through to initial set-up, navigation and management, 20X offers a simple solution to your staffing needs. With the ability to automate the bulk of traditionally manual processes, 20X gives you the ability to shave hours of time from your team’s current workload.

Industry knowledge and experience is vital, so maybe it’s time to let technology deal with those admin jobs, allowing you to prioritise using your business’s assets and adapt to the evolving marketplace in ways that will only bring you benefits!


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