Our Terms & Privacy

Last Modified: Monday September 25 2023 13:42

Terms of Employment
Policy Statement
1.0 We believe that service users should be provided with a safe service. This includes being assured that staff have been recruited in a professional manner.
We are committed to this in relation to recruitment and selection by the following.
1.1 In relation to recruitment, staff:
* Are honest, reliable, trustworthy and treat service users with respect.
* Are not discriminated against during the application or recruitment process.
* Are qualified and competent to carry out their role and meet the needs of service users.
* Have been subject to the necessary checks as described in Schedule 3 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, so that the manager is assured that the worker is suitable for their role.
* Have been subject to a check that they are registered with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)
* Are only allowed to start work before a full and satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check has been received in exceptional circumstances. Where this is the case, the manager must have received an ISA Adult First check that confirms the staff member is not barred. In these exceptional circumstances the following safeguards are put in place:
a. An appropriately qualified and experienced member of staff is appointed to supervise them.
b. This supervisor is on duty at the same time as the new worker and is available to be consulted.
c. New workers do not escort people away from the premises unless accompanied by a staff member for whom a full and satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check has been received.
* Have demonstrated that they are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom.
* Have demonstrated they meet the same standards of competency, qualification, and experience for the role where they are recruited from outside the United Kingdom as they would have had they been trained in the United Kingdom.
* Are currently registered with the relevant professional regulator and/or professional body where appropriate, and only use a protected professional title where their qualifications and registration allow them to do so.
* Are aware of and adhere to any codes of professional conduct that apply to them.
* Are physically and mentally able to carry out their role, with support, where necessary. This means staff:
a. Are not placed at risk by the work they will do because of an illness or medical condition they have.
b. Do not present a risk to people who use services because of an illness or medical condition they have.
* Can communicate effectively with service users and other staff, to ensure that the care, treatment, and support of service users is not compromised.
* Are clear about their responsibilities because they have an up-to-date job description.
1.2 In relation to qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience:
* Have relevant qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience to carry out their role.
* Where this is not possible and does not impact on the safe delivery of care and support the staff member agrees to work towards gaining the skills and qualifications necessary.
* Where trainees and students are working, they are only given tasks and provide care, treatment and support that is appropriate to the stage of their training and their competence.
* Have their qualifications, knowledge and skills reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they keep up to date with current practice.
* Have an awareness and knowledge of diversity and human rights and have the competencies to support, appropriate to their role, the diverse needs and human rights of service users.
* Have a good understanding of the communication needs of service users.
* Can identify and respond to the changing needs of service users.
* Are knowledgeable of the individual needs and preferences of service users.
* Understand the physical and emotional needs of service users.
* Recognise and promote the independence of service users.
* Are aware of the providers policies, procedures, legislation, and standards.
* Know who they can contact, and how, when expert advice is needed.
Service users receive a service from a provider who has the right staff because:
* Staff are recruited following an effective recruitment and selection procedure that complies with legislation about employment, equalities, and human rights. This includes as a minimum when recruiting new staff:
a. Application process including all the necessary checks.
b. Interview
c. References
d. Records of the above.
* The recruitment and selection process ensures that staff are fit both physically and mentally to perform their role.
* Temporary, agency, bank and voluntary staff, and any practitioner working under practising privileges, are subject to the same level of checks and a similar selection criterion as staff recruited directly.
* Other people providing additional services under arrangements made with the service provider are subject to the necessary checks.
* Staff provided by an agency service are known to be fit both physically and mentally to perform their role through:
a. Confirmation in writing from the agency that all necessary checks have been carried out in relation to each staff member being supplied.
b. The manager quality monitoring the contract they have with the agency, where the agency is used on an ongoing basis.
* There are procedures that are implemented when staff:
a. Are not well enough to work.
b. Behave outside the policies and procedures of the service, or professional codes of conduct or practice that apply to them.
c. Should be referred to their professional regulator or professional body, as appropriate.
d. Are subject to investigations into suspected abuse.
e. Are reasonably suspected to have caused harm or risk of harm to service users, and this includes the requirement for the person to be referred to the Independent Safeguarding Authority and/or regulatory body where the requirements for referral are met.
f. Who are barred but can work in a Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 “controlled activity”. This includes the staff member being subject to tough safeguards including stringent supervision.
g. Require specific plans of support, including any reasonable adjustments, to enable them to carry out their job.
h. Are at risk of, or are, being exposed to physical, psychological or emotional hazards in the workplace in the course of their duties and providing information about how those risks can be minimized.
* They consider relevant guidance, including that from the Care Quality Commission as may from time to time be published.