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Last Modified: Monday August 8 2022 09:30

Nursing & Healthcare Support Worker Handbook 

Hello, and Welcome to Medigig Health Care Services.

We operate a fast-track application and will aim to get you ready for work as soon as possible.


We will pick up an additional call with you prior to your first shift with us to update you on the agency process, what to expect etc.

Once you have filled out all relevant parts of your profile we will activate your account and you will be able to start picking up shifts/entering your availabilty.


Every new applicant will be subject to six months’ probation period.


If you have any questions, please let us know.



Phoebe Sara Alzahrani-Gadsden

MediGig Team Manager

Please Note: Due to government guidance the office will not be accessible to candidates or clients for face-to-face meetings. We are conducting all interviews and meetings through video/call facilities. 


  1. Induction and interview procedures
  2. Job Description
  3. Payroll
  4. Timesheets
  5. CPD, Training & Insurances
  6. Disciplinary
  7. Confidentiality Agreement
  8. Complaint's Process
  9. Safeguarding & Protection Process
  10. Appraisal Policy
  11. Reward & Recognition Policy

1. Induction and interview procedures

Brief introduction/ethos of our company:

We are a locally run nursing agency, by mother and daughter who have 40+ years’ experience combined in the healthcare industry.

We specialise in the recruitment of nurses and healthcare professionals for agency cover in Care/Nursing homes.

OUR imperative ETHOS is to provide the highest standard of care, only taking on healthcare professionals who are empathetic, kind, caring, greatly experienced and who administer the care to a standard that one’s family members would expect.

The reason we are so thorough in the selection of our healthcare workers, is because we have a son/brother who has severe autism and have encountered varying experiences in multiple day care centres and respite care facilities, where the standard of care sometimes falls below what is expected.

Therefore, we want to be known to make a positive impact & difference in the industry!

We look forward to working alongside you!!

Interview process


An appointment is made for all candidates call (due to Covid-19 restrictions/uncertainty) to discuss the potential opportunities available to them. During this appointment, an interview takes place with the registered nurse/healthcare support worker at MediGig, who has sufficient experience to conduct the interview. The interview consists of several questions around the knowledge and understanding of the candidate around clinical practice and morals and ethics, yet also identifies if there have been any previous issues with employment or professional practice.


Following successful interview, the candidate is asked to provide the required documents, including right to work, training certificates and proof of address. These will be verified, copied, and uploaded to the secure, password-protected database.


Finally, a discussion takes place between the nurse/healthcare support worker and candidate whereby company expectations/ethos are relayed and agreed, as are the expectations of the candidate. The candidate will leave their appointment with a full understanding of what is expected of them, what they are to expect from MediGig Healthcare, and an honest timeline of when they can expect to start work.


There are occasions whereby the candidate will not have been successful following interview. Reasons for this decision vary, however consist of pending NMC investigations, pending disciplinary investigations, attitude during interview, unsatisfactory answers to interview questions, demonstrating insufficient knowledge. Any unsuccessful candidates will have an explanation immediately after interview.





Following successful interview, every candidate will be inducted to MediGig. We believe that all candidates are valued members of the team and strive to enhance their experience with us.


Candidates are provided with a staff handbook that outlines company expectations, what they can expect, training matrix, policies, and procedures along with various other useful material. The uniforms can be purchased via the www.medigig.co.uk website, as well as other MediGig merchandise. It is at this point in the journey of the candidate, that the process of payment will be discussed. Current training documents in line with NMS 6.1 will be reviewed, if they cannot be evidenced then the candidate (you) will be asked to complete mandated training.

2.        Job Description

Qualified Nurse



The qualified nurse will hold the relevant qualification (Diploma/Bachelor of Nursing in General Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Paediatric Nursing or Learning Disabilities Nursing) and be registered and have an active PIN with the NMC. They will also need a minimum of 6 months’ post qualifying experience, demonstrating the ability to deal with challenging situations.


The qualified nurse will be able to effectively manage the nursing care requirements for their service users/patients, ultimately ensuring the safety and wellbeing of people under their care, in accordance with the NMC Code of Conduct.




-       Adhere to and maintain the NMC code of conduct.

-       Ensure the well-being of all service users under their care.

-       Administer medication. 

-       Admissions and discharges

-       Work in partnership with the MDT

-       Build rapport with patients and families.

-       Report any suspected abuse or misconduct to a senior member of staff or on call manager.

-       Familiarise self and work in accordance with each company's policies.

-       Record daily notes, documenting all interventions and safeguarding that has been carried out for the individual(s)

-       Work with the MDT to promote health and wellbeing.

-       Report any notable changes in an individual's health to the appropriate professional.

-       Assess individuals and take required action to improve general health and wellbeing.

-       Administer medications as prescribed in accordance with the NMC Code of Conduct

-       Compile individual care plans, specific to the individual.

-       Review risk assessments and report changes to management

-       Communicate effectively to individuals, relatives, and staff.

-       Always maintain and preserve dignity and privacy for individuals.

-       Build rapport with staff, offer help, when possible, to the carers.

    Healthcare Support Worker Responsibilities


  • Always being empathic and kind to residents/patients
  • Having patience.
  • Pushing fluids (if required) – gently encouraging.
  • Helping patients to move around safely.
  • Helping patients/residents with incontinence.
  • Monitoring patients and performing basic health checks
  • Making patients feel comfortable, always.
  • Washing and dressing patients.
  • Serving meals and helping to assist patients with feeding.

3.        Payroll


You will be paid weekly on a Friday providing you submit a valid timesheet by the specified deadline. A working week runs from Monday to Sunday.

The payroll deadline is Monday 9am. Any timesheet submitted after this time will not be paid to you on the Friday and will be paid in the following payroll run (the following Friday) You will always be paid a week in arrears.

NB all timesheets must be accurate and signed by a respective line manager. If the timesheet is not accurate, signed or submitted late then you will not be paid until you have obtained a signature on the Timesheet. We will always endeavour to pay you in a timely fashion but must make you aware that if any of the above issues arise – non-accurate timesheets, late submission, timesheets not signed then you will not be paid in line with the normal specified timelines.

Holiday PAYE will be accrued based on your average weekly wage and will be paid to you weekly.

This will be stated separately on your Payslip.

Payroll is on a scheduled payment run and will be paid into your account anytime between Midnight – 11.59pm on respective pay date.

4.       Timesheets

Timesheets must be submitted by 9am on a Monday. All and any timesheets must be accurate and signed off by a line manager. Any timesheet submitted after 9am on a Monday may not be paid until the following payroll, depending on certain circumstances, please contact us for more details regarding this.

Breaks must be included in your timesheet submission, unless otherwise agreed by the respective client. This must be signed off by a line manager onsite with MediGig being made aware before timesheet is processed. If you work extra, or finish early please make us aware via email THE SAME DAY. If MediGig is not made aware on the day then the timesheet may not be paid correctly will not be paid.

5.        Professional development, Training & Insurances



MediGig understand the importance of Continuous Professional Development and Revalidation, practical and theoretical training. We support candidates to maintain and develop their knowledge around relevant topics by providing them with access to mandatory training, as per the health care training site CPD accredited. The candidate holds the responsibility to know when their current training is due to expire. This allows time to diaries training refreshers and ensure training is in date.


The cost of the mandatory training courses will be covered the candidate (you).

In accordance with the NMC guidance, the candidate will be offered opportunities to attend peer group meetings to discuss and reflect on sector specific topics. The registered manager will also support the candidate with reviewing reflective accounts and any additional support that may be required.


By law, nurses and midwives must have in place an appropriate indemnity arrangement to practice and provide care. While the arrangement does not need to be individually held by the nurse or midwife, it is their responsibility to ensure that appropriate cover is in force.

MediGig does not provide indemnity insurance, it is therefore the nurses responsibility to ensure they have adequate coverage in place in accordance with the NMC code of practice. MediGig Nursing will require evidence that the nectary insurances are in place prior to engaging the nurse in any temporary assignment. 

6. Disciplinary



We operate on a three-strike rule basis:

-        If you are to cancel a shift without adequate warning (especially repeat offenders) – this will count as a strike against you.

-       Complaints from Homes/Clients – if complaints occur more than twice this will be regarded as a strike. We will also ask for your written statement/side of the incident at hand.

-       Being rude/impatient with residents or other members of staff is intolerable.

-       Being late consistently.

-       Falling asleep on duty.

-       Disappearing on duty.

-       Walking off shift without justifiable reason.

-       Mobile phones (unless emergency)

These are merely some examples.


During the candidate’s temporary engagement with MediGig Nursing, there may be occasions whereby a situation takes place resulting in receipt of complaint or that professional conduct is at question. Regardless of circumstances, the candidate will be invited to attend an appraisal with the registered manager. During this appointment, the candidate will be asked a series of questions and for their feedback, giving them the opportunity to discuss their concerns. The registered manager will relay any necessary information to ascertain the issue.


Following appraisal, the registered manager will review all documentation and decide based upon all facts and if required, statements of events. It is only then can the registered manager make an informed decision as to the future of employment between MediGig Limited and the candidate. A three-strike policy is operated at MediGig Limited, and a strike is invoked at any stage, dependent on the complaint.

7. Confidentiality Agreement


Upon receipt of this handbook, you hereby agree that you will always, whether or not undertaking work from this Agency and except where such information is in the public domain:

·  maintain the strictest secrecy with regard to the business affairs of the Employer and its customers, products and product lists, except to the extent that I may be authorised to disclose them by the Board of Directors of this Employer, a Court of Law or any authorised or enforcement agency such as the police, a Regulatory Body given powers under the Financial Services Act, HM Revenue & Customs, etc;

·  refrain from revealing or using confidential information regarding systems and programme design and data for personal gain;

·  refrain from using computer equipment and accessing the Internet except when authorised to do so and for official employer business as unauthorised usage could result in damage to the equipment and loss of stored data.

You undertake to familiarise yourself with the data protection procedures set down by the Employer as a result of the Data Protection Act 1998 and understand that the Employer is obliged as a consequence to view any breach of these procedures as a serious matter of discipline.

You understand that any breach of this agreement could result in the clients sensitive and confidential data being disclosed to competitive or other interested parties and any such conduct on my part may render me liable to summary dismissal under the disciplinary procedure.

8. Complaints process

It is MediGig policy to respond to all enquiries, be it a complaint or a compliment in a timely fashion. We work tirelessly to ensure that the service provided to clients and candidates is exemplary we do however acknowledge that problems do get raised.

We aim to provide a clear and concise procedure for handling complaints, quickly, fairly and to ensure a resolution can be agreed.

MediGig are incredibly open to feedback from clients and candidates alike. Feedback comes in different forms be it positive, negative or suggestions on improvements. We will always strive to be better, perform better. Clients are welcomed to give feedback to nursing staff on their performance along with the performance of MediGig Nursing. If a client wished to voice a concern about the performance of a nurse, we have a truly clear process that is followed which is documented below. In the first instance however they can speak to the registered manager at MediGig Limited.

If a client / candidate has a level of concern which cannot be dealt with by the registered manager then they are welcomed to follow the formal complaints procedure, outlined below.

Following a complaint, the below process will be adhered to;

-       Complaint form completed

-       Reviewed and acknowledged within 3 working days by registered Manager

-       Where possible, a solution will be agreed at this stage

-       If a solution cannot be agreed, it will be escalated to the Managing Director

-       Successful resolution would then mean a complaint form is completed which includes preventative measures

-       The client and candidate record will be updated.

-       The completed form will be stored in a complaint folder

-       Where required the complaint will be closed in 14 days. If this cannot be closed down in 14 days the complaint may be extended by a further 14 days with the agreement of the complainant

If an individual feels that their complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily then you have the right to complain to the REC. If you have a complaint about the service received by MediGig then please contact the registered Manager, if the complaint concerns the registered manager please contact the Managing Director.

9.Safeguarding & Protection process


Abuse can occur in various forms:

-          Physical

-          Financial or material

-          Psychological or sexual

-          Neglect

-          Discriminatory abuse or self-harm

-          Inhuman or degrading treatment, through deliberate intent

-          Negligence or ignorance (NMS, 8.1)


Prior to any placement, MediGig will obtain evidence of Safeguarding training, or if not available, provide the candidate with access to a Safeguarding learning tool. All nurses must have valid evidence of Safeguarding training, dated within the last 12 months. This training will be updated annually.

All nurses follow a code of conduct and have a duty of care to protect people in their care and members of the public.

Candidates must refer and adhere to the safeguarding policy of each service user/placement. MediGig must be informed immediately of any suspected abuse. 


Safeguarding contact information

Should the candidate be dissatisfied with the action taken by the service user, they are to contact the relevant area to report or seek advice on suspected abuse:

Blaenau Gwent

Contact Centre - (01495) 315700
Emergency Duty Team for Social Services - 0800 328 4432
Adult Protection Coordinator - (01495) 354613
Police POVA Referral Unit, General Enquiries - (01633) 838111


Adult Safeguarding Team - (01656) 642477


Social Services - 0808 100 2500



Protection of vulnerable adults (POVA) team - 029 2233 0888 

Out-of-hours emergency duty team - 029 2078 8570


Safeguarding Team - (01267) 228944

Careline+ - (01267) 224466 (available 24hrs, 7 days a week)

Merthyr Tydfil

The Duty Officer, Safeguarding Unit - (01685) 724539
Emergency Duty Team - (01443) 849944 (out of office hours only)


South Monmouthshire - 01291 635666.

Abergavenny area - 01873 735885.

Monmouth area - 01600 775100.

Outside of office hours contact the Adult Services Emergency Duty Team - 0800 3284432

Neath Port Talbot

Social Services - (01639) 765505
Emergency Duty Team - 01639 895455 (out of office hours) 


Duty and Social Work Teams - (01633) 656656
South East Wales Emergency duty team - 0800 328 4432 (Out of Hours)


Adult Protection Team - (01437) 764551 (Monday to Friday during office hours)
Out of hours - 08708 509508 or the Police - 0845 3302000


Social Services - 0845 6027050
Police - 08453 302000

Rhondda Cynon Taf

Adult Protection Coordinator - 01443 425425 

Emergency Duty Team - 01443 743665 (outside of office hours)


Social Services - (01792) 636854


Safeguarding Unit - (01495) 762200

Vale of Glamorgan

Contact OneVale - (01446) 700111


Any person(s) working with MediGig Nursing must contact the office and inform the Registered Manager, Phoebe Sara AlZahrani-Gadsden/Danielle Lyons, of any suspected abuse:


Monday to Friday (8am–6pm) 01792677068

Out of office hours – 01792677068

Staff@MediGig.co.uk /info@medigig.co.uk

Service users have a duty of care to inform CIW of any suspected abuse that occurs on their premises or to those whom they are responsible for their care. However, to ensure CIW is made aware, MediGig will telephone CIW within 1 working day of receipt of allegation and follow with an email to confirm the conversation. MediGig will also make contact with CIW, following receipt of concern from other parties including the police, NMC, local authorities, whereby an allegation has been raised. MediGig will commence the complaints process, as outlined in the Whistle-blowing & complaints policy.


Following an allegation of abuse, MediGig will contact the candidate and discuss the allegation. Further to this, a written account will be obtained from the candidate, providing a factual account of events. MediGig will follow the complaints policy. Dependant on the nature of the allegation, a decision will be made, in the best interest of the vulnerable adult and the alleged perpetrator, as to whether MediGig Limited can continue seeking work for the candidate until outcome of investigation.

A member of MediGig shall send written communications to assigned investigating officer, giving an account of all action(s) taken by MediGig (NMS 8.3).


Suspension of seeking work

Should the nature of an allegation be determined as a threat to any persons, MediGig will cease seeking work for the candidate until further notice. The candidate will have the opportunity to provide MediGig with a written account of events that will be considered in the investigation and will be invited to meet with a member of MediGig management.

If the allegation is proven, MediGig Nursing will terminate the contract for services and make referral(s) to other necessary parties. If the allegation is unfounded, the candidate may return to work on completion of appraisal with the registered manager.


Referral to the NMC

Following a proven incident of malpractice, incompetence, abuse or any misconduct, MediGig Nursing will submit a referral to the NMC for further investigation within 24 hours of receiving all required paperwork from the relevant parties involved in the initial investigation. MediGig will work in partnership with the NMC to safeguard the public, providing information as necessary for investigation to take place. Any candidate subject to a NMC referral will be informed via telephone and receive written confirmation via email (NMS 7.6).


Referral to the Disclosure Barring Service

There are two conditions that must be met prior to MediGig Nursing making a referral to the Disclosure Barring Service.


Condition 1

MediGig Limited withdraw permission for a person to engage in regulated activity with children and or vulnerable adults.


Condition 2

MediGig Limited believes that a candidate has carried out one or more of the following:

-          an action or inaction that has caused harm or posed risk to a child or vulnerable adult.

-          has been convicted or cautioned of a relevant offence.



Criminal Offence

If it appears that a criminal offence has been committed in relation to a regulated service, it is the registered person’s duty to contact the police to report the alleged offence. MediGig will support the investigation and provide information as necessary in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (In Safe Hands, 8.4).

10. Appraisal process

An appraisal will be offered to all active candidates.


The appraisal will take place in the registered address of MediGig Nursing and the candidate will be appraised by the Registered Manager/Director, Phoebe Sara Gadsden. An appraisal is an opportunity for the nurse to reflect on their practice, what is going well, and what areas need development.


During the appraisal, the nurse will also receive all and any feedback given to MediGig by any respective client that they have been placed with on a temporary assignment within the previous six months. This feedback may be in the format of a formal performance review template or feedback can also be obtained verbally.


A candidate can request an appraisal from MediGig at any time. An appraisal template will be completed at the end of the appraisal and will be signed by the registered manager and the nurse being appraised.


At any time, a nurse can be called in by MediGig to be appraised. This usually happens if the practice of a nurse has been brought into question (usually because of a complaint or concern being raised).

11. Reward & Recognition Policy

DBS Policy*:

It is your responsibility to get the DBS certification, however if you would prefer us to acquire your DBS certification then you will incur a cost of £61.20 (paid back upon the completion of 30 shifts.)

*Only applicable for those obtaining a certificate through MediGig.





**£200 BONUS**
IF YOU REFER A NURSE AND THEY WORK 330 Hours (30 x 12 hour shifts for example) FOR THE MEDIGIG TEAM, YOU WILL RECIEVE A £200 BONUS. *





£200 bonus in your pay package after the completion of 330 hours with us.
The RN referred must have proof of:
- Up to date DBS
- All Up to date mandatory training documents Moving & Handling etc.
- 6 months at least in nursing position
- Form of transportation preferable

After completion of 330 hours, the £200 bonus will be paid to the MediGig worker that referred them.

It is up to the MediGig WORKER to inform MediGig Management when the 330 hours are completed.

*Referral policy only applies for nurses unbeknown to MediGig.

**Referee must be an active temporary worker of MediGig.


It is the responsibility of the nurse to notify MediGig each time the 330 have been completed. Please allow 14 working days from date of notification for bonus to be issued.





MediGig recognises high quality HCSW's!!


The following referral bonus package will apply per Healthcare Worker referred to MediGig:

£100 bonus in your pay package after the completion of 330 hours (30 x 12 hour shifts) with us.
The HCSW referred must have proof of:
- Up to date DBS
- All Up to date training documents Moving & Handling etc.
- 6 months at least in healthcare
- Their own form of transportation (preferably a car - their own)

After completion of 330 hours the £100 bonus will be paid to the MediGig Healthcare Support worker that referred them.

It is up to the MediGig WORKER to inform MediGig Management when the 330 hours are completed.

*Referral policy only applies for HCSW’s unbeknown to MediGig.

**Referee must be an active temporary worker of MediGig.


*Subject to change with notice from MediGig Staff





MediGig Nursing acknowledge the significance of updating mandatory trainings for the professional development of the nurse as listed below:


·         Equality and Diversity

·         Health and Safety at Work

·         Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

·         Caldicott Principles

·         Fire Safety Awareness

·         Infection Control

·         Food Hygiene

·         Manual Handling - (Includes Practical Session)

·         Basic Life Support including CPR - (Includes Practical Session)

·         Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (Level 1 & 2)

·         Safeguarding Children (Level 1 & 2)

·         Conflict Management

·         Lone Working



MediGig Ltd. understands that certificates are required for revalidation purposes. Therefore, nurses/HCSW’s are required to ensure their training and certificates are valid/up to date.

www.trainhealthcare.com - for online refresher courses – you can buy bundles!

We are working on an E-Portal for refresher training.


*Mandatory training courses are subject to change.



·         PROVISION FOR HCSW/RN;s If Client (NURSING/RESIDENTIAL HOME) cancels shift within 3hrs prior to the assigned shift – there will be a FEE GIVEN of £22 for HCSW & £45 for RN. You will receive this payment in your PAYE.

 Cancellation Policy

Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of last-minute cancellations,

(An unprecedented amount)!!

We unfortunately have no choice but to implement charges for the cancellations as rigid policy (which is NOT the type of company we wanted to be):

They are as follows:

**NURSE, DAY SHIFT 24hrs notice of cancellation required = £40 deduction out of your PAYE**


**NURSE, NIGHT SHIFT 48hrs notice = £50 deduction out of your PAYE**


**HCSW DAY SHIFT 24hrs notice = £30 deduction out of your PAYE**


**HCSW Night Shift 48hrs notice = £20 deduction out of your PAYE**


We will also charge the cancellation fee if we are unable to find alternative cover for confirmed shift, regardless of how far in advance you cancel.



*Rewards Policy =

·         If you work 40+ hrs per week

·         & Have NO cancellations on your record for the month

·         you will receive a £100 voucher

·         (Vouchers will be different every month/subject to change each month) or cash alternative! *

        New Homes referral

        Refer a new home to us (Home must state you have referred them) and get £1000 once they have booked and completed 2000 hours with us!!
