Our Terms & Privacy

Last Modified: Thursday March 2 2023 01:36


Personal Information is information that identifies you as an individual which could also be considered sensitive personal information, such as:

- Name

- Date and Place of birth

- Contact Details

- Citizenship

- Religion

- Civil Status

- Medical Information

- and such other personally identifiable information

In addition to your Personal Information, we will also maintain records of your educational background, employment application, history with the company, areas of expertise, details of salary and benefits, bank details, performance appraisals and salary reviews if applicable, working time records and other records pertinent to your continued employment.


We use this information for a variety of personnel administration and employee, work and general business management purposes, including administration of payroll, improvement and providing and maintenance of the administration of employee benefits, facilitate the management of work and employees, operate performance and salary reviews, operating the company’s IT and communications systems, comply with record keeping and other legal obligations.

The Company also processes information relating to your health which may amount to sensitive Personal Information. The particular information that the company holds relating to your health are the records of sickness absence, medical certificates and any other health and medical records.


These information shall be controlled by our administrative employees who can access it electronically. The Company has security measures in place which will ensure the confidentiality of the information. 


In compliance with this Data Privacy Policy, your Personal Information will be disclosed to third party service providers only in compliance with our contractual obligation.

We will also disclose your Personal Information to comply with our legal obligations, including to various law enforcement agencies, regulatory authorities and governments in the United Kingdom and around the world and their service providers for security, customs and immigration purposes, upon their lawful request.


We respect and value all your rights as data subject. Hence, the Personal Information you have provided in the Sites shall be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce on agreements with third parties. You may exercise your particular Right to Access, Modify and Delete the Personal Information and change preferences, by contacting us through the information provided below:

In the Company’s discretion, we may amend, interpret, modify or withdraw any portion of this Data Privacy Policy at any time.


I consent to QBIX processing data relating to you for legal, personnel, administrative and management purposes and in particular to the processing of any sensitive personal data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998) relating to you including, as appropriate information about your physical or mental health or condition, and information relating to any criminal proceedings in which you have been involved for insurance purposes and in order to comply with legal requirements and obligations to third parties.